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snowcrowscom Guild Wars 2

{ "Snow Crows": [ "Snow is a delightful white blanket that covers the ground, while crows throng in the air above.", "The powdered ❄️snow sparkles under the sun, as the ebony crows gracefully glide through the sky.", "❄️Snowflakes fall softly, white and pure, while crows soar across the winter sky.", "Amidst the cold season, ❄️snowflakes descend from the clouds, while crows dot the wintry landscape.", "In the frosty air, ❄️snowflakes flutter down, creating a whimsical scene as crows elegantly fly by.", "A thick layer of ❄️snow covers the ground, while the majestic crows flock together above.", "The chilly winter brings ❄️snowfall upon the earth, as crows gather in the freezing air.", "❄️Snow blankets the landscape, creating a picturesque setting, while crows roost in the nearby trees.", "As the temperature drops, ❄️snow gently falls, and the quiet elegance of crows fills the air.", "Soft white snowflakes slowly descend from the sky, as the vibrant crows traverse the wintry atmosphere." ] }

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